Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trailer Park

I haven't been to a movie in about a month, but I'm always checking out trailers online. I thought it would be fun to point out some to you that I think are pretty cool.

First up is the trailer for Michael Clayton, a new drama from Tony Gilroy making his directorial debut after his work on the Bourne films. The trailer is tense as hell, especially if you consider the film is about a freaking lawsuit. Great cast headed up by George Clooney in serious mode. I'm on a Clooney high this week after watching Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and digging the hell out of it, despite the goofy Julia Roberts death scene.

Next up is Walk Hard, the faux-biopic (bi-faux-pic?) chronicling the story of Dewey Cox, legendary country singer. John C. Reilly finally gets a leading role and gets support from a good comic cast including Jenna Fischer. The wife's got a crush on Reilly and I wouldn't mind seeing Jenna Fischer all dolled up, so I'm looking forward to this one.

I was never one for Westerns while I was growing up, but Unforgiven made me reassess the genre and I've been slowly pecking away at my own postmodern Western for a while. There are two notable Westerns hitting theaters in September. The first, on the 7th, is 3:10 to Yuma with Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, which looks like a good ride, but the more character-driven of the two appears to be The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, with Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck. Casey's been pretty much in the background most of his career, it will be interesting to see him in a more featured role.

Finally, I just re-watched the trailer for Goodfellas this week. It's a great trailer that gives a good sense of the dark humor and danger of the movie and succeeds even with the now-cliched use of the "In a world..." trailer copy voiced by Don LaFontaine. Great stuff.

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