Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Progress Bar

No, I haven't been spending all week partying to celebrate the On The Lot finale, I've been working. Working at the daygig, working at home (painted The Prince's room, looks darn good) and working at writing. I've tried to follow Scott The Reader's lead and write for at least an hour a day, but I have had a couple of days slip by me.

The romantic comedy I'm working on is coming along fine. This is the script I'd created a lot of set-up material for using Writer's Dream Kit, until I reached the point where I wanted to keep a looser approach, at least during the first draft.

I've also got a nonfiction...thing I'm working on. It may end up just being a file on my drive in the end, but it's something I feel like I need to lay out, a story I need to tell, even if it's just telling it to the other ones and zeroes on my computer.

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