Sunday, June 10, 2007


Hello, long time no post, I know, but it's not because I don't want to, it's just been an interesting month or so settling into the new daygig. The funny thing about the switch was that I'd at first said to myself, "Hah! No more working nights!"

I've just finished a block where I worked until 9:30 pm all but three nights of the last four weeks.

The work is so much different now, though. If my wife called to check up on me at the old gig, she would invariably find me in the middle of three or four fires I was scrambling to douse. Now I'm relaxed and able to catch up like a human being.

I'm also able to use downtime to think about story, so I've begun writing a first draft of a script I've been outlining for too long. It's coming out a slightly different flavor than I'd planned tonally, but I'm going to keep moving and not look back until I'm done with the first pass.

The wife and I may even grab a movie next weekend. I feel like I'm sneaking out after Mom goes to bed.


Anonymous said...

Seriously: are you a writer?

Tom said...

I like that, it's an interesting point you're making.

The long answer starts at the beginning of this blog.

The short answer is: I'm trying to be. Seven good pages into my latest script with a definite path to follow for the rest makes me think I'm trying pretty well.

It's not easy for anyone, I get that. That was the point of my blog, that I wasn't just going to discuss the craft but the other 359 degrees of what goes on in my own push.

You may or may not be a hit-and-run, but there's my answer anyhow.