Saturday, March 25, 2006

No Dull Boy Here

With the daygig giving me a surprise mini-vacation of five consecutive days off and the wife opting to use two vacation days to give us four days together with The Prince as a family, I've been putting the feet up and relaxing most of the weekend. The wife and I even lined up her mother as a sitter last night and we ran over to see Inside Man, the first movie together in months (which makes me soooo glad it was good).

I got a call yesterday while I was making dinner from that producer I'd mentioned. She told me more about the project, I probably gushed a little more than necessary about how interested I was to work on it, and in the end I sent off two of my projected four sample specs for her to read to get a feel for what I'm capable of. I sent the latest complete draft of Underground, without the recent changes I haven't ironed through as yet, and my final (as in "I'm not revisiting this thing until it pays my rent") draft of Brother's Keeper, a thriller initially inspired by The Student of Prague, an arcane reference even Dennis Miller would have to Google.

Later this week, I'll be indulging in trying to fulfill another lifelong ambition I've had: Getting on a game show. I'll let you know what comes to pass.


Scott the Reader said...

Cool. I know a guy who won $125,000 on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, back when Regis did it in primetime.

Alicia said...

I actually submitted an audition tape to be on The Apprentice 5, which is the season that is currently airing. Needless to say, I was not selected. Apparently I was bested by on of Fun Joel's buddies.

Best of luck!